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FY 2015 HUD Awards!

2015 HUD Allocation

The 2015 CoC HUD grants have been awarded.  Click the above link for a detailed listing of individual awards.  This year, through bonus dollars, SC-CHAP was awarded a new Rapid Rehousing for Homeless Youth grant, increasing our capacity to serve the homeless youth in our community.  Congratulations to the Saginaw County Youth Protection Council!

Emergency Housing

Everyone deserves a place to call “HOME”. Coordinated Entry is your doorway to housing.

Our Continuum of Care includes agencies throughout the community that provide an array of housing services. Using our Coordinated Entry system, each agency can access the services of the other continuum members. So there truly is, “No Wrong Door” when accessing housing services in Saginaw County!

If you or someone you know is experiencing a housing challenge or difficulty, Contact Project Home at the United Way (758-4357), or any of our member agencies (see: membership page) and they will assess the situation to determine if there is available housing that you are eligible for.